workers of the stevedores' group câu
disadvantaged workers
Vietnamese have also viewed the latest tragedy as a case of disadvantaged workers, in search of a better life.Người Việt cũng xem thảm ...

employ workers
It seeks to employ workers in multiple capacities.Nó tìm cách để sử dụng công nhân trong nhiều năng lực. The Association may employ wo...

hourly workers
Hourly workers should punch a time clock.Công nhân hàng giờ nên đấm một đồng hồ thời gian. Nearly 88,000 hourly workers would be eligi...

key workers
The University of Sydney report found in the 10 years between 2006 and 2016, Sydney lost close to 20 per cent of key workers.Trong 10 n...

manual workers
Czech companies seek to hire Vietnamese manual workers.Doanh nghiệp CH Czech muốn thu hút công nhân Việt Nam. Manual workers need the ...

professional workers
TN Visas for certain professional workers from Mexico and Canada.TN cho một số công nhân chuyên nghiệp từ Mexico và Canada. NAFTA prof...

public workers
I’m getting a vibe about public workers here.Tôi hỏi Tho về cuộc sống của người công nhân ở đây. No pay increases for public workers i...

religious workers
R-1 Temporary religious workersR Nhân lực tôn giáo tạm thời Temporary Religious Workers R - Visa Temporary Religious WorkersR Nhân lực...

sex workers
In Thailand, there are an estimated 3 million sex workers.Ở Thái Lan tập trung khoảng 3 triệu "công nhân tình dục" . Sex workers wait ...

shipyard workers
Monument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of 1970 in GdańskTượng đài Fallen Shipyard Workers năm 1970 ở Gdańsk Monument to the Fallen Sh...

surveillance of workers
(f) surveillance of workers' health in relation to work;f) Giám sát sức khỏe của người lao động liên quan với lao động. (f) surveillan...

team of workers
For example, a team of workers or students who arrived from a single locality.Ví dụ, một nhóm công nhân hoặc sinh viên đến từ một địa p...

underemployed workers
Here’s hoping other companies follow suit, and that these unemployed and underemployed workers might now have a steady, new, workable o...

underpaid workers
For the past year UDW caregivers have rallied and marched alongside thousands of underpaid workers to make one thing clear: no one shou...

undocumented workers
7-Eleven has recently taken steps to ensure stores don’t hire undocumented workers.7-Eleven từ lâu bị nghi ngờ thuê nhân viên không có ...

Come on, you and me, we'll start a new group. We're the best ones.Cậu và tớ, chúng ta làm 1 nhóm mới Chúng ta là hay nhất. The group h...

an army of workers
The company also has an army of workers to convert existing rooms and buildings into Oyo branded ones.Công ty cũng có một đội ngũ công ...

blue-collar workers
“Now, blue-collar workers are the salt of the earth," he said.Lớp người quen của Joseph chính là muối của đất, ta nói vậy đó.” I grew ...

international domestic workers federation
The International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF) consists of 67 affiliates in 54 countries, representing over 600,000 domestic work...

non-manual workers
These days, fewer than half of all non-manual workers are actually service workers.Những ngày này, ít hơn một nửa của tất cả những ngườ...

parable of the workers in the vineyard
The parable of the workers in the vineyard in today’s Gospel (Matthew 20:1-16) serves as a corrective to false notions of entitlement a...

transport and general workers union
He co-founded and served as general secretary of the powerful Transport and General Workers' Union in the years 1922–1940, and as Minis...

white collar workers
Medical doctors are white collar workers!Thầy thuốc là những chiến sỹ áo trắng! The number of white collar workers in the area exceeds...

white-collar workers
"Most of the people who bought those homes are young, white-collar workers like me."Hầu hết người mua nhà đều là công chức trẻ giống nh...

workers party of north korea
It became the youth wing of the Workers' Party of North Korea, later the Workers' Party of Korea.Nó trở thành tổ chức thanh niên nòng c...